Welcome to our Inspired Blog! Our articles are filled with free videos and information where you can immerse yourself in a kaleidoscope of topics that are created for new, inspiring, or expert permanent makeup artists that will help you elevate your understanding of PMU. Discover the latest topics from tattooing tips and tricks, comprehensive PMU guides, online and in person training, updates on events, the intricacies of branding and marketing strategies, and so much more. Happy reading!

How an online eyeliner permanent makeup course can advance your career eyeliner

In the world of permanent makeup, eyeliner is a popular procedure that can enhance a client's eyes and provide a lasting, hassle-free solution to...

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Your guide to preparing for your eyeliner tattoo appointment eyeliner

If you're considering getting an eyeliner tattoo, it's important to prepare yourself for the appointment to ensure the best results. In this blog,...

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Not everyone can wing it! eyeliner

The # 1 solution to perfect eyeliner!

Permanent eyeliner. We get a lot of clients from out of town and some are unable to come in for a...

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What you should look for when choosing a PMU artist for eyeliner tattooing eyeliner

If you're considering getting permanent eyeliner, it's essential to choose the right permanent makeup artist. The quality of the artist's work will...

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5 reasons why getting your eyeliner tattooed can be beneficial eyeliner

Eyeliner is a crucial part of the makeup routine for many women. It can enhance the beauty of the eyes and give them a more defined look. However,...

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