Do You Struggle With Poor Eyeliner Retention?

eyeliner permanent makeup
Lash liner enhancement tattooed by Ms Amber Red

Hear from Ms Amber Red herself on eyeliner pigment retention:

I love eyeliner it’s my fav! And I’ve been tattooing for about 10 years. Some of the most common things I have seen through the years that lead to poor pigment retention and after training hundreds (maybe thousands) here’s what I’ve learned 👇🏻

-The larger the needle the more pressure you would have to use in order to get the the needle to penetrate at the proper depth in the skin. And for this I am mainly comparing say a 1RL and a 5RS. I use a 5RS  to cover the area more quickly and also it delivers more pigment more quickly due to the fact that it’s simply a larger needle configuration. I use a Bishop V6 with 3.5 stroke.

-The other thing I see a lot is not properly cleansing the lash line after the procedure. I know you may think it’s clean. But take a Q tip and get it wet (I use a special cleanser) and wipe back and forth getting in between the lashes. Even after doing this for so many years I get to the end of the procedure and there’s still sometimes pigment down in there. And EVERY SINGLE TIME, there’s a darn light spot. So really double check this. 

-Another thing. If you don’t work methodically. Follow a certain pattern. Make sure the entirety of the line is saturated from top to bottom. The pattern I follow is down one row back up the same exact row then slightly moving forward. Moving along in tiny overlapping circles. When we don’t follow a pattern, we don’t saturate evenly.

-Aftercare is crucial. Dabbing the fluids off every 15-20min throughout the day of and after the procedure is important. We don’t want to apply ointment immediately after the procedure because we don’t want to trap those fluids under the ointment. I recommend 48-72 hours after procedure to start the ointment. Dabbing will help majorly preventing heavy scabbing. 

Hope these tips help!

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