Join Ms Amber Red For Her Eyeliner Workshop in 2025!

events eyeliner permanent makeup workshops
Wedge top and bottom eyeliner tattooed by Ms Amber Red


When: Friday, February 21st from 10am-4pm

Where: Las Vegas

Price: (org price: $899 sale price: $399) for a limited time!

Set yourself up for success in the New Year by conquering your eyeliner fears! I know firsthand how scary eyeliner can be; I’ve done thousands! But it seems like yesterday, that I did my first one. 

Immerse yourself in a day full of eyeliner where I will walk you through the eyeliner procedure step by step.

Don’t go into the new year with the same struggles. Decide now it's time for a change. 

What you'll get:

  • Live demo done by Amber where you can record, and ask all your questions. (Don't be surprised if I ask you to do the eyeliner right along with me) if applicable.

  • Guided latex work, going over the tattoo movement I personally use to create black, long-lasting saturation.

  • In depth eyeliner mapping demo, where I explain how to draw on a variety of different eye shapes, avoid blow out zones, and choosing the right black. 

  •  In depth discussion on eyeliner contra-indications, including providing you with our client in take forms for you to use in your business!

    You’ll leave the workshop feeling empowered, and for the first time ever with a step by step, go to procedure process that will give you a solid tattoo foundation to be able to create long lasting, healed results! 

Certificate, handout, client paperwork, plus you get access to Ambers online wing eyeliner course ($479 value) for one year + additional support! 

Sign up now! This offer won't last long.

Want more information? Email us at [email protected]